Saturday, October 24, 2009

just for 'you'

India Arie - Can I walk with you
(click for the video)

I woke up this morning you were the first thing on my mind
I don't know where it came from all I know is I need you in my life
You make me feel like I can be a better woman
If you just say you wanna take this friendship to another place

Can I walk with you through your life
Can I lay with you as your wife
Can I be your friend till the end
Can I walk with you through your life

You've got me wondering if you know that I am wondering about you
The feeling is so strong that I can't imagine you're not feeling it too
You've known me long enough to trust that I want what's best for you
If you wanna be happy then I am the one that you should give your heart to


Now everyday ain't gonna be, like the summer's day
Being in love for real it ain't like a movie screen
But I can tell you all the drama aside you and I can find what the worlds been
looking for forever friendship and love together


Can I walk with you through your life till the day that the world stops turning
Can I walk with you till the day that my heart stops beating
Can I walk with you through your life
Can I walk with you till the end that the birds no longer take flight till the
moon is underwater
Can I walk with you
Can I walk with you

This is the moment I've been waiting for
Can I walk with you
Can I walk with you
Can I walk with you

You are everything I've been looking for
Can I walk with you
Creative intellectual
Can I walk with you
Can I walk with you as your wife

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Manohara Fever

I wish I also being kidnaped by the unknown prince so I can famous instantly like her too..ahahaha...

way to smile

Found new blog that makes me smile!!

enjoy it!!

Kepada kamu,
Dengan penuh kebencian.

Aku benci jatuh cinta. Aku benci merasa senang bertemu lagi dengan kamu, tersenyum malu-malu, dan menebak-nebak, selalu menebak-nebak. Aku benci deg-degan menunggu kamu online. Dan di saat kamu muncul, aku akan tiduran tengkurap, bantal di bawah dagu, lalu berpikir, tersenyum, dan berusaha mencari kalimat-kalimat lucu agar kamu, di seberang sana, bisa tertawa. Karena, kata orang, cara mudah membuat orang suka denganmu adalah dengan membuatnya tertawa. Mudah-mudahan itu benar.

Aku benci terkejut melihat SMS kamu nongol di inbox-ku dan aku benci kenapa aku harus memakan waktu begitu lama untuk membalasnya, menghapusnya, memikirkan kata demi kata. Aku benci ketika jatuh cinta, semua detail yang aku ucapkan, katakan, kirimkan, tuliskan ke kamu menjadi penting, seolah-olah harus tanpa cacat, atau aku bisa jadi kehilangan kamu. Aku benci harus berada dalam posisi seperti itu. Tapi, aku tidak bisa menawar, ya?

Aku benci harus menerjemahkan isyarat-isyarat kamu itu. Apakah pertanyaan kamu itu sekadar pancingan atau retorika atau pertanyaan biasa yang aku salah artikan dengan penuh percaya diri? Apakah kepalamu yang kamu senderkan di bahuku kemarin hanya gesture biasa, atau ada maksud lain, atau aku yang-sekali lagi-salah mengartikan dengan penuh percaya diri?

Aku benci harus memikirkan kamu sebelum tidur dan merasakan sesuatu yang bergerak dari dalam dada, menjalar ke sekujur tubuh, dan aku merasa pasrah, gelisah. Aku benci untuk berpikir aku bisa begini terus semalaman, tanpa harus tidur. Cukup begini saja.

Aku benci ketika kamu menempelkan kepalamu ke sisi kepalaku, saat kamu mencoba untuk melihat sesuatu di handycam yang sedang aku pegang. Oh, aku benci kenapa ketika kepala kita bersentuhan, aku tidak bernapas, aku merasa canggung, aku ingin berlari jauh. Aku benci aku harus sadar atas semua kecanggungan itu…, tapi tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa.

Aku benci ketika logika aku bersuara dan mengingatkan, “Hey! Ini hanya ketertarikan fisik semata, pada akhirnya kamu akan tahu, kalian berdua tidak punya anything in common,” harus dimentahkan oleh hati yang berkata, “Jangan hiraukan logikamu.”

Aku benci harus mencari-cari kesalahan kecil yang ada di dalam diri kamu. Kesalahan yang secara desperate aku cari dengan paksa karena aku benci untuk tahu bahwa kamu bisa saja sempurna, kamu bisa saja tanpa cela, dan aku, bisa saja benar-benar jatuh hati kepadamu.

Aku benci jatuh cinta, terutama kepada kamu. Demi Tuhan, aku benci jatuh cinta kepada kamu. Karena, di dalam perasaan menggebu-gebu ini; di balik semua rasa kangen, takut, canggung, yang bergumul di dalam dan meletup pelan-pelan…

aku takut sendirian.

nice word from here..makes me feel mellow in this afternoon

Sunday, June 14, 2009

you just like a 'tattoo'

No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my head in the fire, sooner or later, I get what I’m asking for

No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
The truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger
I gotta let my spirit be free
To admit that I’m wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind

I can’t waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothing’s broken
No need to worry about everything I’ve done.
Live every second like it was my last one.
Don’t look back got a new direction.
I loved you once needed protection.
You’re still a part of everything I do.
You’re on my heart just like a tattoo.

Just like a tatto

I’ll always have you

I’ll always have you

Sick of playing all of these games
It’s not about taking times
When I looked in the mirror, didn’t deliver
It hurt enough to think I could stop
Admit that I’m wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I’ve gotta be strong and leave you behind

I can’t waste time so give it a moment
I realized nothing is broken

No need to worry about everything I’ve done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don’t look back at a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
You’re still a part of everything I do
You’re on my heart just like a tattoo

just like a tattoo
I’ll always have you

I’ll always have you

If I live every moment,
It won’t change any moment,
It’s still a part of me and you
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do

I can’t waste time so give it a moment
I realized nothing is broken (yeah)
No need to worry about everything I’ve done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don’t look back at a new direction (don’t look back)
I love you once needed protection (no no)
Still a part of everything I do
You’ll still in my heart just like a tattoo

Can’t waste time so give it a moment (I can’t waste time)
I realized nothing is broken
No need to worry about everything I’ve done (No need to worry)
Live every second like it was my last one
Don’t look back at a new direction (don’t you ever look back)
I love you once and I needed protection
You’re still a part of everything I do

You’ll still in my heart

just like a tattoo

just like a tattoo
I’ll always have you

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pregnant ?? Hell no!!

Malem ini mendadak ibu sakit, badannya panas tinggi. FYI ibu itu nenek gw yg udah 65thn. Akhirnya gw anter ke Rumah Sakit Medika Permata deket rumah. Ternyata disuruh rontgen ama dokter. Ada pertanyaan aneh di situ..

Ibu udah stand by dengan pose mw di foto.
Suster = "maaf mbak, apakah mbaknya sedang hamil???"
gue = bengong bentar sambil megang perut "Nggak!!" (Do I look like pregnant woman??!!)
Suster = "kalo ibunya hamil?"
gue = mikir lagi... "ya nggak!!" (gokil lo!! nenek2 gt!! masa' hamil?! hahaha)

emang muka gw tampak setua itu ya?! sampe ditanya lagi hamil apa nggk?! huuufff...hoahahha..anyway get well soon ya bu!! love ya

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hungry to the max!!!!

This is the Appetizer......

Chawan Mushi

And then Main courses....

Nabeyaki Udon

Ramen Noodle Beppu Menkan

Sirloin Steak with french Fries

The Last is The dessert...

Perfect food for this afternoon!!! yummmyyyy!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

freaky shoes

I've just got this pict from someone's blog. Quite enjoy it !!!

still confuse with wat kind of shoes do u want to buy or make eh?? I dont think so...hehehe